Invisalign Drawbacks

Invisalign is a clear set of plastic moulds which orthodontist used to straighten crooked or crowded teeth. There are merits and demerits of everything. Invisalign is also not an exception. It has some drawbacks so before choosing it go through these points.

1. Expensive

Invisalign is very costly. It will affect your pocket. So whatever you are going to opt make sure your pocket is ready for it or your insurance provider is ready to give you the coverage.

2. Demands a lot of paitence 

Anyone who is going for Info the line he or she has to wear it 20 or 22 hours per day and this is not an easy task. You have to tolerate and bear all the inconvenience and discomfort. You need to wear it while sleeping also.

3. Discomfort and Embarrassment 

Before eating you need to take off the invisalign that means you may be embarrassed while eating out. Every time you go out for lunch or dinner even for a coffee you have to remove them.

4. Inconvenience  

Invisalign also have buttons and attachments. These attachments are quite visible and inconvenient. You may feel the pain while taking them off. Attachments put pressure on teeth resulting in pain and discomfort.

5. Carry your toothbrush while going out. 

Invisalign should be removed before eating and after eating you have to brush your teeth, clean them up then only you can wear it. So whenever you go out either don't eat or carry your toothbrush.
Any good orthodontist can give more detailed information about Invisalign in Portland.


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